What's covered in primary SEAL? Content mapped for each Theme
New Beginnings (Story 3) assembly pictures
New Beginnings (Story 2) assembly pictures
New Beginnings assembly pictures for all 3 stories
New Beginnings The Magician's Nephew (Story 1) assembly pictures
Y3/4 New Beginnings planning
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Thanks to Louise Vodi for this.
Bumper booklist of children's books related to SEAL themes plus teaching ideas
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This booklist for primary schools lists children's books that link to each of the SEAL Themes, along with teaching ideas
New Beginnings - Early Years Foundation Phase - Wales: English Medium
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This theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued indivuals within a community and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe, and fair learning community for all. Throughout the theme children explore feelings of happiness, excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting it into practice), shared models for calming down and problem solving.
New Beginnings - Theme Overview - Wales: English Medium
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This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in four key social and emotional aspects of learning: empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation.
For Wales, English medium. Note that there are Welsh medium versions of this booklet. Please search under 'Wales: Welsh medium'.
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