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National resources

Note that the learning opportunity descriptions (for teachers) that accompany these resource sheets are within a separate booklet, entitled 'Theme 2: Keep On Learning (Learning opportunities)’. At present the Welsh Government has not made Welsh medium versions of the ‘Learning Opportunities’ booklets available for the Secondary SEAL themes resources. While we are awaiting the publication of these booklets, please search for the English version

Note that the learning opportunity descriptions (for teachers) that accompany these resource sheets are within a separate booklet, entitled 'Theme 3: Learning About Me (Learning opportunities)’. At present the Welsh Government has not made Welsh medium versions of the ‘Learning Opportunities’ booklets available for the Secondary SEAL themes resources. While we are awaiting the publication of these booklets, please search for the English version

Note that the learning opportunity descriptions (for teachers) that accompany these resource sheets are within a separate booklet, entitled 'Theme 1: Learning To Be Together (Learning opportunities)’. At present the Welsh Government has not made Welsh medium versions of the ‘Learning Opportunities’ booklets available for the Secondary SEAL themes resources. While we are awaiting the publication of these booklets, please search for the English version

Note that the learning opportunity descriptions (for teachers) that accompany these resource sheets are within a separate booklet, entitled 'Theme 2: Keep On Learning (Learning opportunities)’. At present the Welsh Government has not made Welsh medium versions of the ‘Learning Opportunities’ booklets available for the Secondary SEAL themes resources. While we are awaiting the publication of these booklets, please search for the English version

Note that the learning opportunity descriptions (for teachers) that accompany these resource sheets are within a separate booklet, entitled 'Theme 3: Learning About Me (Learning opportunities)’. At present the Welsh Government has not made Welsh medium versions of the ‘Learning Opportunities’ booklets available for the Secondary SEAL themes resources. While we are awaiting the publication of these booklets, please search for the English version

This booklet This booklet is designed to support staff who are actively involved in running Year 7 SEAL sessions within tutor time or PSHE, and across the curriculum.

These checklists allow children to review how well they met success criteria for working well together in groups. There are checklists for KS1, Y3/4 and Y5/6. Each relates to learning opportunities and outcomes in the Getting on and Falling Out Theme.

This self-review is designed to support Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) implementation in schools by helping leaders to recognise what has already been achieved and identify future actions. It may be useful to highlight statements that describe systems and activities that are already in place. The self-review can be used as the focus for discussion between those leading on SEAL who should provide evidence to back up judgements before agreeing the next steps. Implementing SEAL effectively in a school should be seen as a journey of activity and reflection

This paper reviews the international and national evidence on the impact of social and emotional learing.

This is a visual aid to help children understand how anger can build up then explode

These documents suggest activities for working with small groups of secondary school pupils (perhaps with additional needs in the areas described). They contain guidance and activities for running small group sessions (similar to the 'silver set' in primary SEAL) in the following areas: - Becoming independent - Conflict resolution - developing positive relationships - Managing change - Managing strong feelings - problem solving - understanding myself - working together - peer mentoring.  CAUTION: This  activity booklet make reference to Resource Sheets which unfortunately were never made available by the national strategies. 

These documents suggest activities for working with small groups of secondary school pupils (perhaps with additional needs in the areas described). They contain guidance and activities for running small group sessions (similar to the 'silver set' in primary SEAL) in the following areas: - Becoming independent - Conflict resolution - developing positive relationships - Managing change - Managing strong feelings - problem solving - understanding myself - working together - peer mentoring.

This interactive text allows children to explore bullying from the perspectives of bully, victim and bystander

This interactive text allows children to explore girl-on-girl bullying

This interactive text allows children to explore making choices and considering consequences. There are also blank templates for children to create their own scenarios.