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National resources

This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in four key social and emotional aspects of learning: empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation.

The theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community, and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all. Throughout the theme, children explore feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting into practice) shared models for ‘calming down’ and ‘problem solving’.

The overview contains scripted and interactive assemblies, as well as learning outcomes from nursery-Y6.

The theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community, and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all. Throughout the theme children explore feelings of happiness, excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting into practice) shared models for ‘calming down’ and ‘problem solving’.

This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in four key aspects of social and emotional aspects of learning: empathy, selfawareness,social skills and motivation.

The theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community, and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all.

Throughout the theme children explore feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting into practice) shared models for ‘calming down’ and ‘problem solving’. The intended learning outcomes for Years 1 and 2 are described below.

Teachers will be aware of the different stages that children in the class may be at in their learning, and may want to draw also on intended learning outcomes from other year groups – for example, from the Red or Yellow sets.

This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in four key social and emotional aspects of learning: empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation.

The theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community, and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all. Throughout the theme children explore feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting into practice) shared models for ‘calming down’ and ‘problem solving’.

The intended learning outcomes for Years 3 and 4 are described below. Teachers will be aware of the different stages that children in the class may be at in their learning, and may want to draw also on intended learning outcomes from other year groups in the Red, Blue and Green sets.

This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in four key aspects of social and emotional learning: empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation.

The theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community, and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all. Throughout the theme children explore feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting into practice) shared models for ‘calming down’ and ‘problem solving’.

The intended learning outcomes for Years 5 and 6 are described below. Teachers will be aware of the different stages that children in the class may be at in their learning, and may want to draw also on intended learning outcomes from earlier year groups.

The Purple sets provide ideas for use by staff (for example, in staff meetings or on in-service training days). They are designed to be fun, to encourage learning and reflection, and to support the building of an adult community that is based on trust, support and fairness.

They also aim to equip staff with the confidence and knowledge they need to tackle the areas covered in the SEAL curricular materials, and to provide a forum for developing consistent approaches to work with children. Just like the other colour-coded sets, they provide starting points for discussion, learning and enquiry, individually, in groups or as a school community.

This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: empathy, managing feelings (with a focus on anger) and social skills. Each colour-coded set is organised around developing the ethos of the classroom – extending the work of Theme 1 New beginnings on cooperation and valuing diversity, and focusing on four key content areas:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict.

The overview contains scripted and interactive assemblies, as well as learning outcomes from nursery-Y6.

This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: empathy, managing feelings (with a focus on anger) and social skills. Each colour-coded set is organised around developing the ethos of the classroom – extending the work of Theme 1 New beginnings on cooperation and valuing diversity, and focusing on four key content areas:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict.

This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: empathy, managing feelings (with a focus on anger) and social skills. Each colour-coded set is organised around developing the ethos of the classroom – extending the work of Theme 1 New beginnings on cooperation and valuing diversity, and focusing on four key content areas:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict.

This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: empathy, managing feelings (with a focus on anger) and social skills. Each colour-coded set is organised around developing the ethos of the classroom – extending the work of Theme 1 New beginnings on cooperation and valuing diversity, and focusing on four key content areas:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict.

This theme focuses on developing children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: empathy, managing feelings (with a focus on anger) and social skills. Each colour-coded set is organised around developing the ethos of the classroom – extending the work of Theme 1 New beginnings on cooperation and valuing diversity, and focusing on four key content areas:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict.

This Silver set provides an early intervention for children who need additional support in developing their social, emotional and behavioural skills. It is aimed at children in Years 1 and 2 and links to the Blue set. The ideas in the materials could also be adapted, however, to provide group work for children in Year 3 and in the Foundation Stage.

This Silver set provides an early intervention for children who need additional support in developing their social, emotional and behavioural skills. It is aimed at children in Years 1 and 2 and links to the Blue set. The ideas in the materials could also be adapted, however, to provide group work for children in Year 3 and in the Foundation Stage.

These activities are designed to help you as a staff group to think about the issues involved in working with children on the feelings and behaviours associated with getting on and falling out. The theme offers opportunities for children and staff to continue the work started in Theme  1 New beginnings on creating a positive ethos within the classroom.

In each colour-coded set, initial circle activities, games and rounds help the children to value and appreciate diversity and similarity, develop skills of cooperation and increase their ability to recognise and identify their feelings and those of others.

This PDF consists of 72 A4 colour photo cards depicting different emotions and situations to support your work on helping children to identify and understand their emotions. They can be projected onto the IWB or printed off to form a central library (it is worth laminating them as they last for a lot longer).  Curriculum booklets indicate which photos are needed for which theme and year group.  There are useful questions to extend children’s exploration of different feelings.  Note that there are 18 further photo cards available (select ‘Photocards: Additional 18).

This PDF consists of 18 A4 colour photo cards depicting different emotions and situations to support your work on helping children to identify and understand their emotions. They can be projected onto the IWB or printed off to form a central library (it is worth laminating them as they last for a lot longer).  Curriculum booklets indicate which photos are needed for which theme and year group.  There are useful questions to extend children’s exploration of different feelings.  Note that there are 72 further photo cards available (select ‘Photocards: Original 72).

A primary A3 colour poster for display in classrooms around the school to support pupils in resolving conflict with peers, staff or family members, as taught through the explicit SEAL Curriculum.  The poster is particularly usefully displayed where it can be seen from the playground, and in the dinner hall.  It is important that all staff (including dinner supervisors and teaching assistants, caretakers and administrative staff) are aware of the process and can support pupils in using it.

A primary A3 colour poster for display in classrooms around the school to support pupils in learning to resolve problems they are faced with, as taught through the explicit SEAL Curriculum.  The poster is particularly usefully displayed where it can be seen from the playground, and in the dinner hall.  It is important that all staff (including dinner supervisors and teaching assistants, caretakers and administrative staff) are aware of the process and can support pupils in using it.

A primary A3 colour poster for display in classrooms around the school to support pupils in using assertive behaviour  as taught through the explicit SEAL Curriculum, theme 6 ‘Relationships’.  The poster is particularly usefully displayed where it can be seen from the playground, and in the dinner hall.  It is important that all staff (including dinner supervisors and teaching assistants, caretakers and administrative staff) are aware of the process and can support pupils in using it.