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Member resources

Healthy coping sttategies for managing anger and feeling overwhelmed

30/01/2024 by Jean Gross

A PSHE lesson on healthy coping strategies for maintaining positive mental health.

Goal-setting worksheet for secondary students

02/10/2023 by Jean Gross

This is a very useful worksheet for secondary students to use to set schoolwork-related goals, give their teachers feedback, suggest things that would improve their learning and let their teacher k

Getting to know you and bonding activities secondary

06/06/2023 by Jean Gross

This is a useful collection of ideas for use in tutor or form groups to build a sense of belonging and community.


31/05/2023 by Jean Gross

Usw these dicebreakers for a fun activity in small groups to bond a new class. Students work in groups, taking turns to roll a dice then answer a question.

Twenty ways to stay calm

11/04/2023 by Jean Gross

Twenty simple exercises to help children stay calm – a collection of breathing and relaxation exercises, with instructions and video links

A new changes and transitions collection

10/04/2023 by Jean Gross

 Here you will find

A booklist from the National Literacy Trust of favourite books about big changes (fiction , graphic novels, non-fiction and poetry)

Wellbeing activities booklet

10/04/2023 by Jean Gross

This is a booklet of short activities to promote wellbeing, for children (primary and secondary) to use at school or at home-  mindfulness, gratitude etc

A secondary lesson about identity

10/04/2023 by Jean Gross

This brilliant secondary lesson (badged as for KS4 but could be earlier) helps students explore their sense of identity .

A secondary lesson about the science of emotions

10/04/2023 by Jean Gross

This is a secondary lesson with a useful video on understanding emotions - how the brain works , how to respond to different emotions.

Two lessonsabout non-verbal communication

10/04/2023 by Jean Gross

We liked this secondary Place2Be lesson about how we communicate, especially through non-verbal signals and facial expression. It will get students thinking about how they communicate online.

Poems for empathy from Michael Rosen's 'On the Move' collection

10/04/2023 by Jean Gross

Thse poems about the experience of migration and being a refugee are very useful for work on empathy and valuing difference.

Assertiveness lesson from Bounce Forward

09/04/2023 by Jean Gross

This is a nice lesson from the Bounce Forward secondary curriculum.

Ten minute stress re-appraisal writing exercise to use before exams

09/04/2023 by Jean Gross

This provides instructions and readings for a writing exercise that helps pupils see exam stress as a positive that can help them perform at their best. Could be used before GCSEs or SATs.

Empathy secondary resource with great films

28/11/2022 by Jean Gross

These secondary resources from Equal Rights, Equal Respect help students understand the experience of others.

Young Minds Wellbeing Advent Calendars

25/11/2022 by Jean Gross

These are nice Advent Calendars to use with children and staff in December- created by Young Minds

Class debate about bystanders

01/11/2022 by Jean Gross

These nice PowerPoint lessons from Votes for Schools get primary and secondary pupils debating the role of bystanders in bullying- Do bystanders make bullying worse?

Helping children worried about the war in Ukraine resources

02/03/2022 by Jean Gross

Here we have some Twinkl resources for KS1 and for KS2, and a very useful Worrying about War resource from Sarah Johnson at Phoenix Education.

The complete Tutor Time PSHE kit

20/01/2022 by Jean Gross

These Australian resources are packed with 15-30 minute interactive lessons on understanding and managing feelings, valuing personal strengths, coping strategies, seeking help, assertiveness, stres

The complete Tutor Time kit

20/01/2022 by Jean Gross

These Australian resources are packed with 15-30 minute interactive lessons on understanding and managing feelings, valuing personal strengths, coping strategies, seeking help, assertiveness, stres

The best of our back catalogue of New Beginnings-Place to Learn resources for the start of a new school year

29/07/2021 by Jean Gross

The decision matrix

29/07/2021 by Jean Gross

This is a useful tool to help children make decisions. Teach effective use of the tool :

1. Introduce the tool as a framework for helping them make the best possible decisions – their own decisions.

2. Normalize the use of the tool for all students in your class by introducing it as a universal strategy and not a stigma.

3. Let them know that the decision matrix is versatile and can be applied to many different types of decisions—both at home and in the classroom.

Connectedness, team building and getting to know you collection

27/07/2021 by Jean Gross

In this collection we have:

  • A primary assembly about connectedness from Place2Be
  • A piece-of-the puzzle primary assembly about connectedness and belonging, with jigsaw piece, from Mentally Healthy Schools/Anna Freud Centre
  • Two truths and a lie… eight great getting-to-know you activities for secondary and upper primary
  • Y7 team building favourites
  • Getting to know you activities from the PSHE Association

A new understanding, tracking and dealing with feelings collection

02/04/2021 by Jean Gross

Here we have:

A nice resource sheet for Reception/KS1 - helping the Colour Monster fill jars by drawing or writing things that make the child feel certain emotions

Some fabulous Colour Monster self regulation tools , for primary children to use to identify how they are feeling

A simple daily emotion tracker for primary, from the Anna Freud Centre. Can be used to help children identify and scale their feelings over the course of a week, at different times of the day and in different situations. .

The confidence collection

02/04/2021 by Jean Gross

This is a collection of resources on the theme of confidence.

For primary we have

- A self-belief assembly

- 'Superhero me': a resource that helps children think about their strengths

- A rebuild and recover resource to use with individual children to help them reframe negative thoughts


For primary and secondary there is:

-A 'challenging unhelpful thoughts' resource, again focused on overcoming negativity

-A really useful seven-session plan for 1-1 work with students who lack confidence

Are you a lemming?

02/04/2021 by Jean Gross

A really useful workbook for secondary students experiencing anxiety on return to school

26/03/2021 by Jean Gross

Finding win-win solutions to conflict

19/10/2020 by Jean Gross

Secondary back to school resources

24/08/2020 by Jean Gross

From Place2Be we have a series of assembly and lesson resources focusing on community recovery and helping you to bring your school back together. The resources are split into four themes (self-efficacy, hope, gratitude and connectedness), with each drawing upon some of the factors that underpin emotional wellbeing and resilience.

Then there is a  five-step exercise on identity and belonging helps secondary students appreciate differences—in themselves and in their peers. It was developed by Shana White- thank you, Shana

Check out this collection of resilience resources

03/03/2020 by Jean Gross

There is

- a nice activity for any age group on what can keep us going when things are tough

- a ‘3 good things’ primary and secondary activity on positive thinking

- a nice ’balancing act’ activity and ‘find your balance ‘ image , also focused on staying positive

- a printable worksheet, best used in small groups or 1-1 settings. Pupils must finish the sentences ‘I am, I can, I have’, to help them talk about positive features in themselves

- a secondary lesson about resilience, with film clips and emoticon counters for a snakes and ladders game

Try the daily activities on this brilliant Advent Wellbeing Calendar from Young Minds with your class or tutor group

22/11/2019 by Jean Gross

Another bumper resource collection for Getting on/Learning to be together

09/09/2019 by Jean Gross

Here you will find:

Some classroom ideas for building a sense of community

Lessons in empathy: a nice primary lesson idea about welcoming a newcomer

Space Tortoise- a book to use for primary work on welcoming strangers

The Suitcase - A lovely picture book about kindness to strangers

A great primary/early secondary assembly Stop bullying with a tube of tooothpaste

The biggest change... refugees and migrants lesson collection

03/05/2019 by Jean Gross

If you are working on the theme of change, why not focus on the experiences of refuges and migrants? We've uploaded a colection of resources here. Also useful for any work on empathy, diversity and belonging.

New resources for dealing with worries and feeling low

07/03/2019 by Jean Gross

Why should adults get all the self-help books? There are also lovely reads and activities for youngsters who need some extra support to feel relaxed, mindful, grateful, inspired and happy. Have a look at this selection of 13 books to children feel more calm and mindful, at

For secondary students, follow these links to find a couple of useful True Tube films about stress and feeling down KS3 KS3 and 4

Tackling hate speech

07/09/2018 by Jean Gross

Ideas on helping older primary and secondary pupiils to understand why we sometimes use hate speech-speech which attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender.

Resources to help children respect and value difference

07/09/2018 by Jean Gross

Here you'll find a moving video, a secondary PowerPoint resource created by pupils for pupils, and a bunch of nice activity ideas based on children's books.

All about me in a paper lunch bag? Try these great new back to school resources

24/08/2018 by Jean Gross

Emotional hijack and self regulation

30/04/2018 by Jean Gross

Exam stress lessons and tutor group discussions for Y10 and 11

10/04/2018 by Jean Gross

New transition collection

10/04/2018 by Jean Gross

Positive thinking - a snakes and ladders game and lesson plan for secondary and upper primary

10/04/2018 by Jean Gross

Great secondary lesson about pursuing goals

27/12/2017 by Jean Gross

We have more in commmon than that which divides us

14/08/2017 by Jean Gross

You may not have taken part in the summer Great Get Together event to celebrate the life of Jo Cox MP, who was killed because of her beliefs. But you can still use the nice classrooom activities from the resource pack devised by the Jo Cox Foundation, which help childen learn that they have lots in common with others they may feel different from. We've uploaded the primary and secondary packs here.

You'll also like this film 'The DNA journey- we are more alike than we think'-

All-new resource compendium for your 2017 work on Getting On and Falling Out/Learning to be Together

09/08/2017 by Jean Gross

A new school year - great tutor group activities to build belonging and resilence

09/08/2017 by Jean Gross

This lovely resource from BOND and Young Minds was written by Sam Hart, Angie Taylor and staff and pupils at Hove School.  It supports the tutor group structure and helps build relationships between tutors and students.

Understanding stereotyping

30/03/2017 by Anonymous

New transitions compendium

30/03/2017 by Anonymous

The resilient classroom

23/02/2017 by Anonymous

Try these great mindfulness ideas

23/02/2017 by Jean Gross

Working together, empathy and friendship 2016 secondary resource compendium

26/09/2016 by Jean Gross

First, we think you will like Crabs versus ants versus penguins - a fun film about the power of working in a group

For empathy, we love the What is empathy lesson, uploaded below, which helps children understand what empathy means. It includes a brilliant short You Tube film, New Boy, based on a story by Roddy Boyle. Beware though – ne of the children at one point uses the word f—cking so you might need to do some clever editing.

Want to get children talking about empathy?

22/09/2016 by Jean Gross

The spaghetti marshmallow challenge

22/09/2016 by Jean Gross

British Values teaching resources compendium

19/09/2016 by Jean Gross

Schools in England are required to actively promote fundamental British values to their pupils, both in lessons and in extracurricular activities. The values are defined as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Under the Prevent Duty, schools must also actively protect children from the dangers of extremism.

Start Empathy Toolkit

11/09/2016 by Anonymous

Identity, conflict, belonging and refugees booklist

10/09/2016 by Anonymous

A must-see short film

31/08/2016 by Jean Gross

Great ideas for new class team building

31/08/2016 by Anonymous

Eight questions to ask students at the start of the year

10/08/2016 by Jean Gross

Inside Out

06/05/2016 by Jean Gross

My grandchildren lost their mother- please use our resources on bereavement and loss

07/04/2016 by Jean Gross

I'm posting these resources for a very personal reason. My twin grandchildren lost their mother to cancer when they were five. They were in their first year at school. Every year issues crop up - this year around mothers' day. So this is a plea for all of you to include work on bereavement and loss in your everyday SEAL/PSHE work, even though it feels difficult.

A collection of mental health resources for secondary schools

07/04/2016 by Jean Gross

First we have a great Science lesson on resilience and depression. The lesson, from the MindFull organisation, opens with Matthew Johnstone’s moving animation I had a black dog, his name is depression, before exploring the genetic forces at work in those who suffer from it. The lesson tackles the stigma of mental health by presenting a series of true or false statements (“Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened” and “The only things you can be addicted to are drugs and alcohol”),followed by a class discussion.

Assemby quotes for wellbeing, happiness and mental health

15/02/2016 by Jean Gross

A black dog on my shoulder secondary lesson about depression for Learning about Me

15/02/2016 by Jean Gross

Fabulous goals, resolutions and resilience secondary resources for 2016

02/01/2016 by Anonymous

First we've some great assemblies - one on reaching your goals, with accompanying Trip of a Lifetime slideshow , one from TrueTube for Key Stages 3 and 4 about New Year's Resolutions and making a difference through random acts of kindness, and one on achievement.

For assemblies or lessons you'll like the film playlist about dealing with failure we've found  and uploaded. 

Lessons in friendship

28/10/2015 by Anonymous

For primary we have the Value of Friendship lesson with activities including friendship bingo and giving compliments, from avatarcrossy70 - big thanks. It comes with a WORD resource for the bingo game.

Got some girls making each other's lives a misery?

28/03/2015 by Anonymous

These lessons from The Ophelia Project in US help girls learn about 'relational aggression' -  the subtle tactics of social exclusion, spreading rumours and threats to withdraw friendship that are so common amongst girls. There are 6 lessons for each age group.

Secondary resources for learning about relationships and teamwork

28/03/2015 by Anonymous

Stress, relaxation and positive thinking - secondary resources for Learning about Me

19/02/2015 by Anonymous

In this selection we have first Massonet's meditation - a brilliant set of slides with music on a loop, to help children learn to become calm and focus. It could be used in an assembly or lesson starter. The images and music are interspersed with snippets of information.The file must be viewed in slideshow mode to hear the music. It was created by PWilloughby – thank you!

Symbols of resilience

01/01/2015 by Anonymous

Lessons in goal setting and perseverance

01/01/2015 by Anonymous

Optimism whiteboard lesson or assembly for primary and secondary

01/01/2015 by Jean Gross

Lessons on giving and receiving feedback

30/12/2014 by Anonymous

Lessons in grit and a grit quiz - for secondary and upper primary

30/12/2014 by Anonymous

Fabulous new year resolution resources

30/12/2014 by Anonymous

How to keep your new year's resolutions/reach goals

30/12/2014 by Anonymous

This is a really interesting blog about how to reach goals/keep to new year resolutions. Worth sharing with older primary or secondary students.…


Working in groups

24/10/2014 by Anonymous

Acts of kindness

14/10/2014 by Jean Gross

Medium term EYFS and primary planning from Bradford SEBD team

28/08/2014 by Anonymous

Posters created by Torfaen secondary students

23/08/2014 by Anonymous

Motivational poster about changes

30/05/2014 by Julie Casey

Moving on to Year 8

30/05/2014 by Anonymous

Lessons in empathy

11/04/2014 by Anonymous

These resources help children develop empathy. For primary schools there is a link to a Sesame Street film illustrating what empathy means, a lovely lesson called Empathy in a shoe box, and a Pass the Face circle activity to help children read social cues. There's an Empathy prints cut-out for literacy or history ( contributed to TES website by Temperance - thank you): students explore how a character might be feeling by imagining they are in their shoes and fill in the shoe outlines.

How to be happier

18/02/2014 by Jean Gross

How are you feeling? Fun quiz for KS2 and 3

18/02/2014 by Jean Gross

Assertive, aggressive or passive- fun secondary lesson with cute and crazy animals

18/02/2014 by Jean Gross

Good to be me/Learning about me whiteboard resources

16/02/2014 by Jean Gross

Emotion recognition and is it right to lie to someone to make them feel happy

02/01/2014 by Jean Gross

Motivation, persistence, resilience- ideas for secondary English lessons

02/01/2014 by Anonymous

KS4 film about resilience

27/12/2013 by Anonymous

Twenty iconic quotes on failure that will help children learn about persistence and resilience

27/12/2013 by Anonymous

Year 7 assembly on success

27/12/2013 by Anonymous

Year 11 assembly on motivation

27/12/2013 by Anonymous

Great all-age puppy video about goals and persistence

27/12/2013 by Anonymous

Going for goals - huge whiteboard resource of great clips/ideas/posters for lessons and assemblies on setting goals, persistence and resilience

27/12/2013 by Julie Casey

Films and lessons for anti-bullying or assertiveness/peer pressure work

28/10/2013 by Anonymous

Fabulous Powerpoints to kick off lessons on friendship and conflict resolution

24/09/2013 by Julie Casey

Cherokee Indian story about anger

24/09/2013 by Anonymous

A secondary lesson about relationships- particularly romantic ones

24/09/2013 by Anonymous

Secondary lesson on friendship

24/09/2013 by Anonymous

Assertive, aggressive or passive- fun secondary lesson with cute and crazy animals

18/09/2013 by Jean Gross

Year 7 anti-bullying sessions for tutor group time

17/09/2013 by Jean Gross


17/09/2013 by Jean Gross

An antibullying assembly for primary or secondary

17/09/2013 by Jean Gross

Conflict and anger

24/06/2013 by Jean Gross

A lesson on happiness

24/06/2013 by Jean Gross

Seeing is believing - or is it?:

09/06/2013 by Julie Casey

Stress assembly or lesson PowerPoint

29/05/2013 by Jean Gross